Change some ones life today

education support
for children

We work towards ensuring a life free from inequality and discrimination for every woman.
About us

Contribute for the different cause

Over the past decade, the number of orphans and vulnerable children living in Uganda has been escalating at an alarming rate. In 2004, the number of orphans was estimated to be 1.8 million; in 2009 that number had grown to nearly 2.6 million. Over one million of those children have lost their parents.

What we do
promote skill
Come join us

The Focus is on Creating a variety of opportunities for school going children


We hope to make a difference in supporting Child Education.

Bringing the hope to these children will require us to go an extra mile becoming a generational inspiration. We hope to make a difference in supporting Child Education

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis nec a odio.

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Provide financing support to help individuals build livelihoods
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