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About Us


Provide Education for Underprivileged Children


The school will provide our community’s youth access to quality education, improved living conditions, and other support services.

In doing so, we hope to equip local children with the education and skills to gain a secondary education and the ability to provide for themselves and their families someday

We critically need better classrooms built, teachers housing, dinning room, kitchen, food store and support, your support Will make the education of Rural orphaned Children possible, motivated.

Long-Term Impact

The long term – impact of our cause is to build a sustainable and thriving school, build child dormitories , staff housing, dining,food store, school library, hiring quality teacher’s which gives children a solid education and the opportunity to succeed in life

 In turn, this will help ensure that future generations have the same access and opportunities. Eventually, we hope to offer vocational and job training to young adults so that they can lift themselves and their families out of poverty.

Non Governmental Organization in Uganda is to educate orphaned and vulnerable children. Our goals are to complete construction of our primary school, to provide adequate education sponsorship, food and supplies for the boarding and day children, and to ensure adequate pay for our teachers and staff. 

During the year’s 2019 to 2021schools remained closed due to the COVID-19 attack. With your help we hope to finish construction on the school’s classroom, latrine and living quarters


Our NGO works in an extremely poor and rural area with a lack of access to quality education and support for its vulnerable populations, namely orphaned children.

Therefore, NGOs primary beneficiaries are critically needy and disadvantaged children that lack adequate food, proper shelter, healthcare, and an education that can ensure they thrive as individuals whom are able to contribute to a strong and prosperous future for Uganda.COVID-19 has only made matters worse for rural households.

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